Computer Programs To List On Resume

  1. Basic Computer Experience Resume
  2. Basic Computer Programs To List On Resume
  3. How To List Software Skills On Resume
1. Computerized Office Applications 35. Antivirus Software/Security
2. Accounting Software 36. DYNIX/PTX, MVS
3. Quick Books, Quicken 37 TSO/ISPF, CA7/11, JES, VTAM
4. Peachtree, TurboTax
38. Novell CNE
5. MYOB, One Write 39. Ethernet, SNA
6. Desktop Publishing/Presentations 40. Programming/Software Devlopment
7. PageMaker, Illustrator, PowerPoint 41. COBOL, CICS, MVS, VSAM
8. Photoshop, Corel Draw, Freehand 42. DB/2, IMS, UNIX, C, SQL
9. Spreadsheet Programs 43. VB, C++, RPG 400, GUI
10. FoxPro, Lotus 123, Paradox 44. CL, OPNQRYF, DL1, IDMS DBA
11. Excel, Access 45. MFC, SDK, VBA, Superbase
12. Wordprocessing Programs 46. VAX VMS, HP UX, OLE, VSE
13. MS Word, MS Works, WordPerfect 46. C/MOTIF/Unix
14. Lotus WordPro 48. Adabas/Natural, IDX
15. Programming/System Management 49. Easytrieve, JCL, Assembler
16. Computer Operating Systems 50. Microfocus, Databus, Mapper
17. Windows NT, Mac OS, UNIX 51. Turbo Pascal, Paradox, Delphi
18. MS DOS, OS2, Sun, Solaris 52. Technical Documentation
19. AIX Netview 53. Robohelp, Framemaker
20. Database Management 54. Testing
21. ERD Model Development 55. SDLC, Winrunner, TSL
22. Oracle RDBMS, OMNIS 56. Visual Test
23. Sybase, Informix, Powerbuilder 57. Blackbox, Whitebox
24. Supertool, Quiz, QTP 58. UNIXWARE
25. Focus, ESQL, OLTP 59. Website Design
26. Desktop Publishing 60. Active Server Pages ASP
27. Pagemaker, Illustrator 61. GIF Animation, PhotoShop
28. Hardware/Peripherals 62. VB Script
29. Mainframe Systems 63. FrontPage, PageMill
30. PC/Microcomputers 64. HTML/ JAVA/CGI Scripting
31. Laser Printers, Plotters 65. VC++, PERL, Rainman
32. Modems, Sound Systems 66. Internet Information Server
33. LAN/WAN Administration 67. UI Architect
34. Antivirus Software/Security 68. Web Page Connectivity

Not sure which key skills to include in your resume skills section? Read our guide to find FREE downloadable examples and a list of the best skills for resumes including soft, hard, computer, and technical skills. Computer Programs List for Resume Elegant software to List Resume.| computer software resume Five Exciting Parts Of Attending Computer Software Resume| Computer Software Resume By Adelle Zahrah Rawnie Posted on January 22, 2019 October 26, 2018. If you want to list proficiency in a second language on your resume, you’re going to have to be confident about your abilities to speak and write fluently. Knowledge of basic verb tenses and remembering a few words such as coffee, country, or beer isn’t enough.

Examples of computer programs to list on resume

Presenting your technical skills on a resume can be a challenge. Find out what hiring managers want to see.

Feature your tech skills on your resume so you stand out.

Employers often screen candidates based on their technical skills, so technology job seekers naturally want to make sure they present their skills properly. As a result, creating the skills section of a technology resume section can be a challenge.

So what are technical skills, exactly?

Technical skills, as listed on a resume, include programming languages, tools and operating systems you have a high level of experience using either through employment or otherwise.

Typical resume issues technology professionals wrestle with include:

  • Whether to list skills alphabetically or in order of importance.
  • Whether to include every skill and how much detail to provide.
  • How to differentiate between expert knowledge of a technology with passing familiarity.

Don't exaggerate

One recruiter's advice is simple: Don't obsess over the skills section of your resume to the point of embellishment. 'In adding a skills section to their resume, a lot of people have a tendency to exaggerate their level of expertise in various technologies,' says Scott Hajer, senior corporate recruiter for Software Architects. 'They figure the more keywords, the more exposure.'

Such tactics are likely to backfire, especially during a technology job interview. 'We had a candidate who had a big grid on his resume, listing all the skills he had and rating himself on a scale of one to 5 in them,' says Hajer. One of the skills was J2EE, with a '3' (for average ability) tagged to it. 'When asked to talk about J2EE, he could not even define the term, much less talk about his experience in it,' he says.

Some employers provide questionnaires asking candidates to rate themselves on particular technology skills, but they don't expect such ratings in a resume's skills section. Keep things simple. Denote each technology skill with the number of years of experience, or if you're intent on including a rating, use rankings like novice, intermediate, and expert.

Skills and their uses

The skills section should be buttressed with job descriptions detailing how those skills have been used in the workplace. For example, a resume listing Java, Oracle and UML in the skills section should describe how each technology was employed on a particular project. Those details provide employers with genuine insight into the depth of a person's knowledge and experience with those technologies.

Stay relevant

Examples of computer programs to list on resume

Consider these tips:

  • Delete outdated skills or those with no relevance to the job you're pursuing.
  • Separate technology skills into familiar categories such as operating systems, networks and programming tools.
  • List skills in the order of their relevance to your objective, rather than alphabetically.
  • If you've only read about it in Computerworld or on, don't include it.

Resume organization

Technology job candidates may want to place the skills section after the job objective and before the experience section. But there are exceptions. If you're just starting out, you may want to place a greater emphasis on education and internships. If you're seeking management or sales positions, you may want to avoid crowding the resume with a list of technical skills. Instead, consider placing the list below the experience section or adding other elements, such as communication abilities and foreign languages, to the skills section.

Here are examples of one job seeker's technical skills section:

Paragraph formatthe most common

Technical Skills

Languages: Java, XML, C, C++, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, UML.

Tools: JBuilder, Dreamweaver, Rational Rose, UltraEdit, Borland C++Builder, Oracle SQL*Plus.

Basic Computer Experience Resume

Operating systems: Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS X.

List format—gives employers a quick overview

Technical Skills

LanguagesToolsOperating systems
Rational Rose
Borland C++Builder
Oracle SQL* Plus
Windows XP
Mac OS X
What computer programs to list on resume

List format with years of experience and skill level—more detail

An alternative is to denote only the years of experience.

Basic Computer Programs To List On Resume

Technical Skills

LanguagesYears' experienceSkill level

Test your resume

Figuring out the right way to present your computer skills on your resume is the first step in your job search. Now you need to make sure what you wrote is enough to get a hiring manager's attention. Would you like some help with that? Get a free resume evaluation today from the experts at Monster's Resume Writing Service. You'll get detailed feedback in two business days, including a review of your resume's appearance and content, and a prediction of a recruiter's first impression. Think of it as QA testing for your job search.

How To List Software Skills On Resume